Preservation as an e-infrastructure service: a Roadmap for digital cultural heritage – Final Conference of DCH-RP

Preservation as an e-infrastructure service: a Roadmap for digital cultural heritage – Final Conference of DCH-RP
22 September 2014 – DCH-RP events
Venue: Rome, National Library, v.le Castro Pretorio 105
The Conference is organized by the Central Institute for Union Catalogue (ICCU), in cooperation with the National Central Library of Rome, under the umbrella of the Italian EU Presidency.The main objective of the workshop is to provide an overview of the main outcomes achieved by the DCH-RP project, focusing on the Roadmap for Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage and on the potential role of e-infrastructure in the preservation of DCH.A round table discussion on the topic “From the Roadmap to its implementation” will bring together various experts and researchers representing e-infrastructures, publishers, cultural and research institutions to discuss the sustainability of the project, giving a perspective on future activities and challenges for the implementation of an e-infrastructure-based preservation system.Registration is now open and participation is free